
This solo backpacking trip began in the familiar city of Chengdu. Early in the morning, I packed my bags, filled with anticipation, and boarded the flight to Dubai. During the flight, I gazed out the window at the sea of clouds, my heart brimming with excitement and anticipation for the unknown journey ahead. Upon arriving at Dubai Airport, I quickly completed the immigration procedures and found a car to take me to Abu Dhabi Airport. On the way, I marveled at the desert landscapes of the UAE, soaking in the exotic atmosphere.

从阿布扎比到雅典 Abu Dhabi to Athens


After a short rest at Abu Dhabi Airport, I boarded the flight to Athens. Although the flight was not long, I was eager to explore this city steeped in history and culture. Upon arriving at Athens Airport, I was delighted to find that there was a metro station just outside the airport. A one-way ticket cost only 9 euros, and it could take me directly to the city center. Without hesitation, I bought the ticket and took the metro to the city center.

雅典的初印象 First Impressions of Athens


The metro ride was smooth, and I enjoyed the cityscape of Athens through the window, feeling a sense of novelty. Soon, I arrived in the city center and successfully found the youth hostel I had booked in advance. This simple and cozy hostel provided me with a comfortable resting place. After putting down my luggage, I found a travel group and planned to meet other travelers that evening. We came from different countries, each with our own stories and experiences, but we came together because of our travels. We chatted and shared our travel experiences in a small bar in the city center, filling the night with laughter.

第二天:探索古迹与自然 Day Two: Exploring Antiquities and Nature

第二天一早,我与旅友Tom相约,一同前往著名的宙斯神庙参观。清晨的神庙庄严而神秘,宏伟的建筑让我叹为观止。我们在神庙前合影留念,记录下这难忘的时刻。随后,我们前往了国家花园(National Garden),这是一片绿意盎然的公园,宁静而美丽。我们漫步在园中小径上,呼吸着清新的空气,感受大自然的宁静。

Early the next morning, I met up with my travel companion Tom, and we headed to the famous Temple of Zeus. The temple, solemn and mysterious in the morning light, left me in awe with its grandeur. We took photos in front of the temple, capturing this unforgettable moment. Afterward, we went to the National Garden, a lush and beautiful park, serene and tranquil. We strolled along the paths, breathed in the fresh air, and felt the peace of nature.

下午,酷爱摄影的Sandro他带着相机和延长杆,加入了我们的行列。我们在草地上小憩,聊着天,享受着这片刻的宁静。我和Sandro约好傍晚7点在市政府门口见面,准备徒步前往利卡维多斯山(Mount Lycabettus)观赏日落。

In the afternoon, Sandro, a photography enthusiast, joined us with his camera and selfie stick. We rested on the grass, chatting and enjoying the moment of tranquility. Sandro and I agreed to meet at the city hall at 7 PM to hike to Mount Lycabettus to watch the sunset.

在利卡维多斯山山顶等待日落的过程既漫长又充满期待。Sandro用他的Insta 360相机拍摄延时摄影,不幸的是,一个路人不小心摇晃了他的延长杆,这让Sandro十分生气。尽管如此,我们还是享受到了美丽的日落景色,山顶的视野开阔,雅典城在夕阳的余晖中显得格外壮丽。直到晚上九点,我们才开始下山,因为与Tom约好了去Gabriela的家里跳舞和喝酒。

The wait for the sunset at the top of Mount Lycabettus was long and filled with anticipation. Sandro used his Insta 360 camera to shoot time-lapse photography, but unfortunately, a passerby accidentally shook his selfie stick, making him quite angry. Despite this, we still enjoyed the beautiful sunset scenery. The panoramic view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking, with Athens bathed in the golden glow of the setting sun. We started descending around 9 PM as we had agreed to meet Tom at Gabriela’s house for dancing and drinking.


Gabriela, a hospitable local, had a warm and artistically decorated home. We spent a joyful evening at her place, relaxing with music and dance. We raised our glasses in toasts, chatting and laughing, and enjoying this rare moment of travel.

第三天:古迹与美食的探索 Day Three: Exploring Antiquities and Cuisine

第三天早晨,我与Sandro约了一起吃早餐。我们找了一家当地的咖啡馆,品尝着地道的希腊美食,聊着摄影和旅行的趣事。随后,我独自前往参观了雅典的建筑遗址,包括四柱教堂(Tetraconch Church)等。这些遗址见证了雅典辉煌的历史,让我深感震撼。

On the third morning, I met up with Sandro for breakfast. We found a local café and enjoyed authentic Greek food while chatting about photography and travel stories. Later, I visited the architectural ruins of Athens, including the Tetraconch Church. These ruins, witnessing the glorious history of Athens, left me deeply impressed.


In the afternoon, I met Calos and Bahman, friends from the travel group, and we went to the most famous restaurant in the area for lunch. The restaurant’s food lived up to its reputation, and we savored various Greek dishes while discussing our travel plans. After lunch, we walked to the Psyrri district, found a café, and enjoyed afternoon tea, savoring the leisurely afternoon.

继续旅程:前往地拉那 Continuing the Journey: Heading to Tirana


The time in Athens was short but sweet. Soon, it was time to continue my journey to Tirana, Albania. I packed my bags and boarded the bus to Tirana. As I left Athens, I reflected on the past few days’ experiences, filled with gratitude and memories. Each leg of the journey had its unique charm, and Athens, a city rich in history and culture, would always hold a special place in my heart.


This solo backpacking trip not only allowed me to see different landscapes but also helped me meet many interesting friends. Every place and every encounter added unique colors to my travels. I look forward to the next part of my journey, continuing to explore this beautiful world.