清晨,我从威尼斯的青旅起床,准备前往意大利的时尚之都——米兰。虽然还依依不舍地想再多看看威尼斯的水巷,但对于即将开启的米兰之行也充满了期待。带着轻便的背包,我走到了威尼斯的圣露西亚火车站,乘坐了一趟直达米兰的火车。经过两个半小时左右的车程,我顺利抵达了米兰中央火车站(Milano Centrale)。

Day 1: Departure from Venice
Early in the morning, I woke up at the hostel in Venice, ready to head to Milan, the fashion capital of Italy. Although I was reluctant to leave the beautiful canals of Venice, I was excited about the upcoming trip to Milan. With my light backpack, I headed to Venice’s Santa Lucia train station and boarded a direct train to Milan. After about two and a half hours, I arrived at Milano Centrale station.


Milan Cathedral and Surrounding Sights
Milano Centrale is one of Italy’s busiest stations, with its grand architectural style and rich history. Standing at the station’s entrance, I immediately felt the city’s vibrancy and energy. I checked into a budget hotel near the station, dropped off my luggage, and eagerly headed out to explore Milan.

从中央火车站搭乘地铁,我的第一站就是米兰的标志性建筑——米兰大教堂(Duomo di Milano)。这座哥特式大教堂是世界上最大的教堂之一,其尖塔林立、雕刻精美的外观令人叹为观止。站在教堂前的广场上,仰望着这座雄伟的建筑,我完全被它的壮丽所震撼。

Visiting Milan Cathedral
I took the metro from Centrale and headed straight to Milan’s iconic landmark—the Duomo di Milano. This Gothic cathedral is one of the largest in the world, with its towering spires and intricate carvings. Standing in the square in front of it, gazing at the magnificent structure, I was completely overwhelmed by its grandeur.


Exploring the Cathedral Interior and Rooftop
I lined up to enter the cathedral, where the stained glass windows and frescoes gave a sense of divine tranquility. Then I climbed to the rooftop, where I had a breathtaking view of Milan. The contrast between the modern skyscrapers in the distance and the classical architecture below was striking.

参观完大教堂后,我步行来到了大教堂广场旁的埃马努埃莱二世长廊(Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II)。这座19世纪的购物长廊以其玻璃拱顶和豪华的装饰闻名,内部的高档店铺和咖啡馆充满了贵族气息。

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
After visiting the cathedral, I walked to the nearby Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. This 19th-century shopping arcade is famous for its glass domed roof and luxurious decorations. The high-end boutiques and cafés inside exude a sense of elegance and aristocracy.

下午,我前往了米兰另一座著名的历史遗址——斯福尔扎城堡(Castello Sforzesco)。这座城堡曾是米兰公爵的居住地,如今被改造成了博物馆,收藏了大量文艺复兴时期的艺术品和历史文物。

Sforza Castle and the Arch of Peace
In the afternoon, I headed to another famous historical site in Milan—Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco). This castle was once the residence of the Duke of Milan and is now a museum housing numerous Renaissance artworks and historical artifacts.

离开城堡后,我穿过了位于城堡后方的森皮奥内公园(Parco Sempione),走到了和平门(Arco della Pace)。和平门是一座凯旋门式的建筑,纪念拿破仑时代的胜利。

Sempione Park and the Arch of Peace
After leaving the castle, I walked through Sempione Park, located behind the castle, and reached the Arch of Peace (Arco della Pace). This triumphal arch commemorates victories from the Napoleonic era.

当天的最后一站是布雷拉艺术画廊(Pinacoteca di Brera),这是米兰最重要的美术馆之一,收藏了大量意大利文艺复兴时期的绘画作品。画廊里展示着拉斐尔、卡拉瓦乔等大师的经典之作。

Pinacoteca di Brera
My last stop for the day was the Pinacoteca di Brera, one of Milan’s most important art galleries, showcasing many Renaissance masterpieces. The gallery displays works by renowned artists like Raphael and Caravaggio.

夜幕降临时,我在米兰大教堂附近的一家露天餐厅用餐,品尝了意大利北部的传统菜肴——米兰烩饭(Risotto alla Milanese),米饭的浓郁奶香与藏红花的独特风味让我回味无穷。

Risotto and Milan by Night
As night fell, I dined at an outdoor restaurant near the Duomo, savoring the traditional northern Italian dish, Risotto alla Milanese. The rich, creamy texture of the rice, combined with the distinct flavor of saffron, left a lasting impression.

第二天一早,我起床后简单用过早餐,便前往了米兰的时尚区蒙特拿破仑大街(Via Montenapoleone)。这里是全球最著名的奢侈品购物街之一,两旁林立着世界顶级的时尚品牌专卖店。

Day 2: Exploring Milan’s Fashion and Modernity
The next morning, after a quick breakfast, I headed to Milan’s fashion district, Via Montenapoleone. This is one of the world’s most famous luxury shopping streets, lined with flagship stores of top fashion brands.

接着,我前往了位于加里波第区的米兰新城(Porta Nuova)。这里聚集着米兰最现代化的高楼大厦,尤其是垂直森林(Bosco Verticale)——两座覆盖着绿色植物的高楼。

Porta Nuova and Bosco Verticale
Next, I went to Porta Nuova in the Garibaldi district, where Milan’s most modern skyscrapers are clustered. Among them, the Bosco Verticale, two towers covered with greenery, is a symbol of Milan’s innovation and environmental consciousness.

午后,我去了米兰的另一大现代地标——米兰展览中心(Fiera Milano)附近的城市生活区(CityLife)。这个地区充满了现代感和未来感,高耸的塔楼和宽敞的购物中心展示着米兰的创新与活力。

Fiera Milano and CityLife District
In the afternoon, I visited another modern landmark—CityLife District near Fiera Milano. This area, with its futuristic towers and spacious shopping center, reflects Milan’s innovation and dynamism.


A Final Glimpse of Milan
In the afternoon, I returned to the Duomo area for a final look at the city’s iconic landmark. Unlike the previous day, I decided to sit at a nearby corner café, sipping coffee while quietly watching people pass by the square.