
When I set off from Tirana, Ohrid was just one stop on my journey, but its tranquility and beauty had me eagerly anticipating my arrival. The bus wound its way through the border between Albania and North Macedonia, with the scenery gradually shifting from the bustling city to expansive mountains and lakes. The sun glistened on the water, casting golden sparkles. Despite the summer heat being as intense as ever, the challenges of travel no longer bothered me. Instead, they felt like part of the adventure, waiting to be savored.


Upon arriving in Ohrid, I settled into a hostel. Perhaps due to the exhaustion from travel combined with the heat, I realized that the air conditioning in my room had broken, making the air almost suffocatingly hot. Though mildly annoyed, this small inconvenience didn’t dampen my spirits—it was all part of the journey, after all. To make the situation more bearable, I left the door open, hoping the night breeze would cool down the room.

晚餐时间,我决定走出青旅,去找一顿地道的北马其顿晚餐。沿着Ohrid的街道漫步,夕阳还没有完全落下,湖水的金色波光随风轻轻摇曳。很快,我找到了一家看起来十分传统的小餐馆,红白格子的桌布给人一种温馨的感觉,菜单上满是当地特色菜。我决定尝试“Селско месо”(Selsko meso),这是一道传统的炖肉菜肴。

As dinner time approached, I decided to step out of the hostel and find a traditional Macedonian meal. Strolling along the streets of Ohrid, the sun had not fully set, and the golden ripples on the lake gently swayed with the breeze. Soon, I came across a cozy little restaurant, its red-and-white checkered tablecloths evoking a warm, homey feeling. The menu was filled with local dishes, and I opted to try “Селско месо” (Selsko meso), a traditional meat stew.


Soon, the waiter brought out the dish, served in a clay pot with steam rising and a rich aroma of meat filling the air. The stew, garnished with herbs, looked simple but had a comforting, homely flavor. It came with a basket of fresh bread and a chilled bottle of Coca-Cola. I dipped the bread into the broth, savoring each bite filled with the richness of the dish. This simple meal on my journey brought an unexpected sense of fulfillment—not just nourishment, but a deeper connection to the culture I was experiencing.


After dinner, feeling completely content, I walked down to the lake to wait for the sunset. The sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the lake in Ohrid seemed to be gilded with a layer of gold. I sat alone on the shore, holding a bottle of beer I’d picked up from a nearby convenience store. The breeze brushed against my face, and the scene before me felt like a painting prepared just for me. Even though this was only a brief stop on my journey, the peace I felt in that moment was indescribable.


The next morning, I requested a room change at the hostel and was finally moved to one with a functioning air conditioner. Feeling much more at ease, I decided to take a walk to Plaosnik Church. The church is situated on a hill overlooking Lake Ohrid, offering a vast and breathtaking view. Standing beside the ancient stone walls, gazing at the shimmering lake below, I felt a profound sense of calm. The history and scenery of this small town stood in sharp contrast to my previous experiences, prompting me to slow down and quietly absorb every moment before me.


In the afternoon, I returned to the lakeside, this time with another bottle of beer, eager to witness Ohrid’s mesmerizing sunset once again. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of red, and the entire lake seemed to glow with golden light. Sitting there, I no longer felt the solitude of traveling alone, but rather a sense of peace, as if I had become one with nature. A calmness gradually spread through me, and the rhythm of my travels seemed to take on a new meaning amidst the beauty of the lake.


On the third day, I met a few fellow travelers at the hostel. We hit it off right away and decided to head to Ljubanishta Park together. Although I had originally planned a solo trip, having new friends to join me added more joy and lightness to the journey. We took a bus together, passing through the outskirts of Ohrid, where the landscape grew even more expansive. The lake in the park was clearer, and the air felt fresher. We shared our travel stories along the way, laughing continuously, as if this part of the journey was filled with endless fun.


In the afternoon, we returned to the lakeside together, once again waiting for the sunset. Although the scenery was similar to the previous days, watching it with friends gave the experience an entirely different feeling. The laughter and interaction between us made the sunset even more heartwarming, making me realize the diversity of travel experiences. Whether traveling alone or with companions, each experience has its own unique beauty.


On the last day, I boarded the bus heading to Budva. Although Ohrid was just a brief stop on my journey, its lake, sunsets, and the little moments throughout the trip left a lasting impression on me. Ohrid wasn’t just a beautiful destination—it made me reflect on the meaning of travel. Solo travel gave me a sense of inner peace, while traveling with companions brought more joy and shared moments. Every stop along the way is a unique memory in the grand tapestry of the journey.