
After a night of bumping around on the night bus, my thoughts jumped along with the vibration of the vehicle. The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight hit the station in Tirana, I finally arrived in this strange yet eagerly anticipated city. Since it was not easy to catch a cab and my hostel was only a 20-minute walk away, I decided to walk there directly. Along the way, I noticed the buildings on both sides of the street had very different architectural styles, some old and full of historical charm, others modern and novel. There were not many pedestrians on the street, occasionally a few locals curiously glanced at me, the traveler dragging a suitcase.


Fortunately, upon arrival at my lodging, I was able to check in immediately. Originally, I thought I would have to wait until the afternoon, so I was able to take a short rest. To my surprise, the hostel I stayed at was also a restaurant, and a very famous local one at that, so I made a reservation for lunch on the third day. Lying on the soft bed, I closed my eyes and enjoyed this brief tranquility.


At noon, I prepared to go out for a stroll, planning to visit restaurants and museums in the downtown area. As I had always wanted to try local cuisine, I met Theo, a Frenchman who loves adventure, in a travel group, and we planned to visit a well-reputed restaurant in the city center together. Additionally, I invited Mariko, a Japanese girl staying in the same room as me, to join us. Mariko is a very talkative person with a unique insight into food, and we had a pleasant chat along the way.


The restaurant’s decor was very characteristic of the local area, with various handicrafts and photos hanging on the walls. We ordered several recommended local dishes, each of which was delicious and flavorful. Eating the delicious food and listening to Mariko and Theo talk about their travel stories, I felt a rare sense of ease and happiness.

第二天早上,在享用过简单的早餐后,我决定一个人去Monte Dajt徒步。先是从市中心乘公车来到山脚下,购买了缆车票,然后坐缆车上山。缆车缓缓上升,视野逐渐开阔,整个城市尽收眼底。到达山顶后,有一个大平台,很多人在这里骑马,而我则跑去参观了一栋废弃的酒店建筑。这栋酒店建筑虽然已经荒废,但依然能够看出昔日的辉煌。我在酒店里四处走动,仿佛穿越回了过去的时光。

The next morning, after a simple breakfast, I decided to hike Monte Dajt alone. First, I took a bus from the city center to the foot of the mountain, bought a cable car ticket, and then rode the cable car up the mountain. As the cable car slowly ascended, the view gradually widened, and the entire city was in sight. Upon reaching the top, there was a large platform where many people were horseback riding, while I went to visit an abandoned hotel building. Although this hotel had been abandoned, one could still see its former glory. I wandered around the hotel, as if traveling back in time.


Afterward, I started an easy hike along a small path behind the hotel. This hike was not difficult, with signs guiding the direction along the way. During the hike, I met some other travelers who also came to hike, and we greeted each other and shared our travel experiences. Finally, I passed through a tunnel and reached the other side of the mountain. The scenery here was very beautiful, lush green, and fresh air. Although I wanted to continue exploring, checking the map, I found that this path extended to the other side of the mountain, and I was unsure if I could take a bus back to my lodging from there, so I decided to return the way I came.


When I returned to the hostel, it was already four o’clock in the afternoon. Wojtek, another friend from Poland staying at the hostel, and I decided to join a free tour. During the tour, the guide introduced us to the history and culture of Tirana, giving me a deeper understanding of the city. By the time the tour ended, it was dusk, and we were both hungry, so we decided to go to a barbecue restaurant for some meat and drinks. The aroma of the barbecue filled the air, and the foam of the beer sparkled under the lights. We chatted, sharing our lives and travel experiences.


On the third day, after enjoying lunch, I would leave Tirana and head to Ohrid, starting the next leg of my journey.