
The backpacking trip from Budva to Kotor was full of surprises and adventures. This journey not only allowed me to experience the beautiful scenery of Montenegro but also brought unforgettable experiences with my new friends, Onur and Muhanned.



On the first day in Kotor, I chose to stay in a hostel. Shortly after checking in, I met a backpacker named Onur. We quickly found common ground and decided to set off from the hostel at 3:30 a.m. the next day to climb Spiljari, as there were no tickets required at that hour. We were well-prepared for this early morning adventure, planning to reach halfway up the mountain before dawn, avoiding the tourist crowds and enjoying the moment to ourselves.



At 4 a.m., when it was still dark, Onur and I set off from the hostel, carrying flashlights and some snacks. The path was quiet, with only the sound of our footsteps on the gravel and the occasional chirping of insects. When we reached halfway up the mountain, we found ourselves lost, unable to find the way forward. In the darkness, the trail was especially vague, so we decided to sit by an old wall window and enjoy the night view of the town below.


From the high windowsill, the night view of Kotor’s Old Town was exceptionally beautiful. The orange lights outlined the city walls like a painting. Onur and I sat on the windowsill, eating snacks to regain some energy. Just as dawn broke, we realized that the window we were sitting on was the entrance to the next path! We couldn’t help but laugh, marveling at how amazing this unintended stopover was.


As the sky gradually brightened, we carefully climbed through the window and continued onward. Along the way, we encountered a rusty, shaky staircase, which made our hearts pound. Suddenly, an orange cat appeared behind us, quietly following us all the way to the top. The cat’s presence added a lot of fun to our climb, as if it was also on its own little adventure.


Reaching the top wasn’t the end of our journey; our goal was a higher mountain platform. We continued forward, passing three peaks until we finally found a peaceful forest. Sunlight filtered through the treetops, falling on the ground and my face, creating a warm and serene feeling. On the other side of the forest was a steep cliff, where we took a short break to admire the beautiful scenery.


We then continued to the higher peak—Vrba. From the summit, we overlooked the entire Kotor, with the distant bay and city laid out below us. Onur and I sat at the top, opened a bottle of beer, and enjoyed the sense of accomplishment and freedom. At that moment, it felt as if all our exhaustion had been wiped away by the beautiful scenery and gentle breeze.


到达科托尔的第二天,我参加了一个free walk tour,深入了解了这座城市的历史。导游带我们参观了科托尔老城的城墙、教堂以及一些古老的建筑。他详细讲解了科托尔的中世纪历史,这里曾是威尼斯共和国的一部分,因而建筑风格也深受其影响。导游还带我们走进了一些小巷子,看到当地人的日常生活,感受到这座小城的独特魅力。

On the second day in Kotor, I joined a free walking tour to gain deeper insight into the city’s history. The guide took us around the old town walls, churches, and several ancient buildings. He explained in detail the medieval history of Kotor, which was once part of the Venetian Republic, and how its architectural style was greatly influenced by it. The guide also led us into some narrow alleys, where we witnessed the locals’ daily lives, experiencing the unique charm of this small town.

下午,我和在青旅认识的Muhanned坐公车一起前往Perast小镇。Perast是一个安静而美丽的小镇,坐落在海湾边,充满了古朴的风情。我们在小镇的街道上漫步,欣赏着两旁的老房子和远处的群山。由于天气炎热,我们决定先在一家咖啡馆休息,等到稍晚一些再坐渡船前往湖中央的muzej crkve gospe of skrpjela。这座教堂坐落在一个人工岛上,四周被湛蓝的湖水包围,景色非常迷人。

In the afternoon, I took a bus with Muhanned, whom I met at the hostel, to the small town of Perast. Perast is a quiet and beautiful town situated by the bay, full of rustic charm. We strolled through the streets, admiring the old houses and the distant mountains. Due to the heat, we decided to rest in a cafe and wait until later to take a boat to the muzej crkve gospe of skrpjela, located on an artificial island in the middle of the lake. The church, surrounded by the deep blue lake, was stunning.


Upon reaching the church, we toured the museum inside, learning about the local fishermen and their connection to the sea. The church walls were adorned with nautical charts and old paintings. Standing on the terrace outside the church, the sunset cast a golden glow over the lake, making it shimmer like a sea of gold. That moment of tranquility and beauty made time seem to slow down.



On the third day, I packed my bags and prepared to leave Kotor for Dubrovnik. This backpacking trip from Budva to Kotor brought me many unexpected surprises and wonderful memories. From the early morning mountain adventure to exploring the small town and lake church with new friends, this journey was full of adventure, laughter, and touching moments. Kotor may have been just a brief stop on my journey, but its beauty and warmth left a lasting impression on my heart, becoming one of the most cherished memories of my travels.