

When I arrived in this new city, I was filled with anticipation for the journey ahead. After leaving the coastline of Kotor, I boarded a bus bound for Dubrovnik. The stunning scenery along the way made me even more excited about the unknown adventure. However, the beginning of it all turned out to be far from smooth.


When I checked into the hostel, I immediately felt something strange. The entire place was eerily quiet—there wasn’t a single person around, not even at the reception desk. The silence around me made me feel uneasy, but I reassured myself that this was just a small hiccup in my journey, maybe the owner was just out on some errand. I put my luggage in the room, and the bed linens looked old, clearly not freshly changed. I waited in the room for two hours, but no one showed up. So, I decided to call the owner.


It wasn’t until the sun was about to set that the owner finally arrived. He apologized profusely and quickly changed the sheets and pillowcases for me. His attitude was sincere, and he even poured me a drink as a gesture of apology. I was eager to explore the city and didn’t want to waste any more time, so I politely declined his offer. Looking back now, I had no idea that this was only the beginning of a series of exhausting nightmares.


The owner’s insistence on changing the bed linens himself struck me as a bit strange, but I didn’t give it much thought—perhaps he was just particular about cleanliness. After settling down, I grabbed my bag and rushed towards the city center. After a day of traveling, I quickly took a shower, put my things away, and set out to explore the city at night, hoping to reward myself with a nice dinner at a local restaurant.


The next morning, I decided to buy a piece of bread from the hostel’s downstairs shop for breakfast, and then headed towards the city’s old town, Grad, for a walk. The morning sunlight filtered through the ancient alleys, bathing the cobbled streets in a soft golden glow. I sat at a viewpoint, enjoying the morning breeze, the bread in my hand, and the scenery in front of me. Just as I was immersed in this peaceful moment, I suddenly felt something on my hand. Looking down, I saw a bug crawling on the back of my hand. I quickly flicked it away—though I felt a bit disgusted, I didn’t think much of it.


I continued strolling through the city center, visiting ancient stone churches, wandering through hidden alleys, occasionally stopping at cafes to rest, or entering artisan shops to see the local specialties. The cobblestones on the streets were polished smooth by time, and the sunlight reflected off them with a golden glimmer, as if time itself had stopped in this place.


However, by the late morning, red marks began to appear on my skin, as if I had been bitten by something. At first, I thought it was just a regular skin allergy, so I figured I’d take some antihistamines and rest for the night, and it would be fine. However, when I woke up the next morning, the red spots had gotten much worse, spreading all over my body, and they were itchy and painful, making me extremely uncomfortable. Realizing that something was seriously wrong, I went straight to the local hospital for an examination.


The doctor’s diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: I had been bitten by bedbugs. It turned out that the hostel I had stayed in was infested with them! I immediately felt nauseous and terrified. The doctor arranged for me to receive an injection and also gave me a prescription for some medication. After the shot, I felt completely exhausted and weak, and I could only return to the hostel to rest. By evening, after recovering a bit of strength, I decided to stick to my original plan to go to Pile-Kono Hill to watch the sunset. Despite being physically and mentally drained, I didn’t want to miss this opportunity.


After nearly two hours of hiking, I finally reached the top of the hill. The sunset’s afterglow bathed the earth, a gentle breeze blowing, and golden-red waves shimmered on the sea, reflecting the setting sun as it dipped below the horizon. At that moment, all the hardships seemed worthwhile. Despite the itching all over my body and the exhaustion, the peace and satisfaction in my heart made me feel that this was the true meaning of travel.

第三天,痒感仍然非常严重,甚至比前一天更加难以忍受。我决定去旅游办公室投诉。对方的态度虽然很好,但事情的解决却显得遥遥无期。无奈之下,我只能再次前往医院接受第二次注射,并按照医生的建议,对所有随身物品进行了彻底清洗,以防虫卵残留。令人失望的是,即便到了2024年11月,我也没收到任何关于投诉结果的调查或处理信息,仿佛这份迟到的正义已经失去了它应有的意义。 入住这家青旅的经历,真的是让我记忆犹新。后来,我决定联系Booking的客服,希望能够得到合理的解决方案。然而,我很快意识到,想从中得到满意的答复简直比登天还难。客服的回复非常慢,处理问题的态度也显得敷衍。我提供了所有的证据——从医生的诊断证明到旅馆内的照片,甚至还有我打针的发票。然而,Booking最终只同意补偿我25%的住宿费用,这个结果让我十分无奈。

The experience of staying at this hostel is something I will never forget. Later, I decided to contact Booking.com customer service, hoping to get a reasonable solution. However, I quickly realized that getting a satisfactory answer was almost impossible. The customer service responses were extremely slow, and their attitude in handling the issue was dismissive. I provided all the evidence—doctor’s diagnosis, photos of the hostel, and even the receipts for my medical treatment. Despite all of this, Booking eventually agreed to compensate me for only 25% of the accommodation cost, which left me feeling very helpless.

尽管有些许赔偿,但和我在这段旅程中所经历的身心折磨比起来,这点补偿显得微不足道。在这段旅途中,我所遇到的不止是一个糟糕的住宿体验,而是整个旅途中的挑战与坚持。我原本对杜布罗夫尼克这座城市怀着满满的期待,想要感受它的魅力与风情,可这些突如其来的麻烦却几乎打破了我对它的美好印象。尽管如此,我还是不想让这些负面的经历完全摧毁这座城市给我的美好感觉。 Although there was some compensation, it seemed insignificant compared to the physical and mental ordeal I went through during this journey. What I experienced during this trip was not just a terrible accommodation experience but a series of challenges and perseverance throughout the trip. Initially, I was full of expectations for Dubrovnik, wanting to experience its charm and atmosphere, but these unexpected troubles almost shattered my positive impressions of the city. Even so, I still didn’t want these negative experiences to completely ruin the good feelings Dubrovnik had once given me.


In the end, I left Dubrovnik and headed for Mostar, hoping to find some peace there and regain balance for my tired body and mind. Although this journey was so roug and full of unexpected incidents and difficulties, I still believe that the meaning of traveling far exceeds these temporary troubles. In Mostar, I found some of the tranquility I needed; the sunlight shimmered on the river, and the town’s slow and peaceful pace gave me comfort and a sense of fulfillment.


Although this journey was filled with unpleasant memories, behind these ups and downs were also experiences that made me grow and understand more about life. Those unavoidable predicaments, those seemingly unlucky events, eventually became part of my story, making me more determined to face future travels. Travel may not always be wonderful, but these setbacks have taught me resilience and tolerance, and they made me cherish every moment on the road even more.