清晨六点,九月初的佛罗伦萨依然有着微凉的晨风,街道上还笼罩着一层薄薄的晨雾。我早早起床,准备开始这段从佛罗伦萨到比萨再到博洛尼亚的背包一日游。背上简单的行李,离开酒店,走向了圣玛利亚诺维拉火车站(Firenze Santa Maria Novella)。

At six in the morning, early September in Florence still carries a slight chill in the air, with the streets blanketed in a thin layer of mist. I got up early, ready to embark on this one-day backpacking trip from Florence to Pisa and then to Bologna. With my light luggage packed, I left the hotel and headed toward the Santa Maria Novella train station.


At 6:30, I arrived at the train station. Florence had not fully awakened yet, and there were only a few people at the station. I enjoyed a cup of espresso and a croissant at the station café to prepare for the day’s journey.


The train left Florence promptly at 7 AM. As it departed, the scenery outside slowly transformed into the early autumn landscape of Tuscany. By September, the fields had shed their summer gold, displaying a mix of green and brown hues. Harvest season had quietly begun in the vineyards, and I occasionally spotted workers busy in the fields. The rolling hills and vast olive groves of Tuscany passed by peacefully, creating a serene atmosphere.

大约一个小时的车程,火车在八点左右抵达了比萨中央火车站(Pisa Centrale)。一下车,我首先去找了一家靠近火车站的小酒店,将我的背包寄存好,轻装上阵,开始探索这座以斜塔闻名的小城。

After about an hour, the train arrived at Pisa Centrale around 8 AM. Once off the train, I first looked for a small hotel near the station to store my backpack. With my hands free, I was ready to explore this small city famous for its leaning tower.

比萨并不大,从火车站步行二十分钟就能来到最著名的奇迹广场(Piazza dei Miracoli)。九月的早晨阳光温和,空气清新,走在安静的街道上,心情格外轻松。当我终于来到广场,看到那座历史悠久的比萨斜塔(Leaning Tower of Pisa)时,依旧为它的壮观所震撼。斜塔那独特的倾斜角度让人忍不住感叹,它不仅仅是建筑学的奇迹,更是一种时间与历史的见证。

Pisa is a small city, and a 20-minute walk from the train station brought me to the famous Piazza dei Miracoli. The gentle September morning sunlight and fresh air made walking through the quiet streets especially relaxing. When I finally reached the square and saw the historic Leaning Tower of Pisa, I was still awestruck by its grandeur. The tower’s unique tilt is not just an architectural marvel but a witness to time and history.

我在广场上随意走动,欣赏着斜塔周围的建筑群。广场上还有气势宏伟的比萨主教座堂(Pisa Cathedral)和庄重的洗礼堂(Baptistry),它们和斜塔共同构成了比萨的标志性景观。主教座堂的内部装饰非常精美,宗教壁画、石雕和宏伟的穹顶让人目不暇接,静静感受着这里的神圣氛围。

I wandered around the square, admiring the buildings surrounding the Leaning Tower. The majestic Pisa Cathedral and the solemn Baptistry also stood proudly, forming the iconic skyline of Pisa. The interior of the cathedral was beautifully decorated, with religious frescoes, stone carvings, and a magnificent dome. I took a moment to quietly absorb the sacred atmosphere inside.


After leaving the Piazza dei Miracoli, I continued to stroll leisurely through the streets of Pisa. Although it is famous for the Leaning Tower, the city itself exudes a laid-back vibe. Along the streets, I saw plenty of cafés and small shops, and the early September sun added a warm glow to the air, which felt peaceful and comforting.


Around 4 PM, I returned to the hotel to retrieve my backpack and prepared to continue the day’s journey to Bologna. Since the bus station was not clearly marked on the map, I walked back and forth near the bus stop twice. With the bus departure time approaching, I had to sprint frantically to find its location. Luckily, I made it just in time, and as soon as I boarded, the bus departed. I sat down, panting heavily but relieved that I didn’t miss it.


As the bus left Pisa, the scenery outside the window began to change again. The vineyards and olive trees of the countryside slowly transitioned into mountainous terrain and rolling hills. In September, the air in Italy carried a crisp coolness, and the landscape became increasingly colorful.


By evening, I arrived in Bologna. Bologna is a city with a long academic tradition, and walking around, I could see ancient university buildings and lively streets. Unlike Florence and Pisa, Bologna has a rich cultural and scholarly atmosphere. The students and tourists in the streets gave the city a vibrant energy.


As night fell, I strolled through Bologna’s old town, passing through arcades and squares, feeling the perfect blend of history and modernity. Walking through the brightly lit streets, I could sense the city’s academic spirit and vibrant life.


This day’s journey, though packed, was filled with wonderful memories. From Florence to Pisa and then Bologna, each city showed its unique character and landscapes. This one-day backpacking trip allowed me to see the beautiful scenery of both Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.