
Upon stepping onto the land of São Paulo, a surge of excitement and curiosity filled my heart. This vibrant and culturally rich city was the first stop of my trip and the beginning of my journey through Brazil.


The moment I arrived in São Paulo, I felt the city’s unique charm. Towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and lively crowds formed the distinctive landscape of this metropolis. I chose to stay at a backpacker’s hostel in São Paulo, hoping to find more local experiences and opportunities for interaction.


At the hostel, I met two very interesting Brazilian friends, Leonardo and Vinicius. They came from different cities but had their reasons for being here. Leonardo, a young lawyer, came to São Paulo to relax and enjoy his vacation. Vinicius, on the other hand, is an animal worker responsible for collecting snake venom. He was temporarily staying at the hostel due to work.


Meeting Leonardo and Vinicius made my trip to São Paulo even more colorful. We exchanged our stories, shared our cultures and life experiences. Despite coming from different countries and cultural backgrounds, we found common ground and friendship in this corner of the city.


During my three-day stay in São Paulo, most of the time, I explored the city’s scenery and culture with Leonardo, as Vinicius could only join us after work. The hostel’s location was excellent, with many attractions and landmarks nearby. Every morning, we enjoyed a hearty free breakfast at the hostel before starting our city exploration.


On the first day, I decided to visit a shopping mall on my own, looking for a place to eat. I was captivated by the mall’s bustling and modern atmosphere and chose a local specialty restaurant for a taste. Later, I went with my new friend Kaique to Paraiso, where we climbed to the rooftop of a mall to watch the cityscape before sunset. Overlooking the entire city from above, I could almost feel its pulse and vitality.

第二天,我和Leonardo决定去Jardim das Bandeiras欣赏涂鸦艺术。这里是圣保罗最具代表性的涂鸦艺术街区之一,街道两旁都是色彩斑斓、充满创意的涂鸦作品。在这里漫步,我仿佛走进了一个艺术的世界,感受到了涂鸦艺术所传达的独特魅力。

On the second day, Leonardo and I decided to visit Jardim das Bandeiras to appreciate graffiti art. This is one of São Paulo’s most representative graffiti art districts, with colorful and creative graffiti works lining the streets. Walking here felt like entering an artistic world, experiencing the unique charm conveyed by the graffiti art.

接着,我们又去了Ibirapuera Park,这是圣保罗最大的城市公园之一。在这片绿色的天地里,我感受到了城市的宁静与和谐,远离了喧嚣与繁忙。我们在公园里漫步,欣赏着湖泊、花园和绿荫,感受到了大自然的美好和神秘。

Next, we went to Ibirapuera Park, one of São Paulo’s largest urban parks. In this green paradise, I felt the city’s tranquility and harmony, away from the hustle and bustle. We strolled through the park, admiring the lakes, gardens, and greenery, appreciating the beauty and mystery of nature.


On the third day, we visited Liberdade, São Paulo’s Japanese district. This area features many Japanese restaurants, shops, and temples, showcasing the unique influence of Japanese culture in the city. We tasted local delicacies on the streets, bought some specialty items, and experienced the collision and integration of different cultures.

最后,我们去了Praca de se广场,参观了那里的大教堂。这座哥特式建筑气势恢宏,充满了宗教的庄严与神秘。站在广场上,我感受到了时间的流逝和历史的厚重,仿佛穿越到了另一个时空。

Finally, we went to Praca de Se square to visit the cathedral there. This Gothic architecture is magnificent, filled with religious solemnity and mystery. Standing in the square, I felt the passage of time and the weight of history, as if traveling to another time and space.


During my short stay in São Paulo, I gained many beautiful memories and valuable experiences. Meeting Leonardo and Vinicius made me feel the power of friendship and companionship, enriching my journey. Through exploring the city, I not only felt Brazil’s enthusiasm and vitality but also deeply appreciated its rich culture and history. São Paulo, as the cultural capital of Brazil, has a unique charm that attracts visitors from all over the world to explore and discover.