
Taking a cruise from Split to Florence, Italy, was a unique travel experience. In the evening, I boarded the ship heading from Split to Italy, ready to spend a night on board. It was my first time staying overnight on a cruise, and I felt both excited and a bit nervous.



The Experience of Sleeping on a Cruise

At night, the ship quietly sailed across the Adriatic Sea, gently rocking as it moved. I found a comfortable berth, ready to sleep in this floating “hotel.” There were still many tourists on deck, gazing at the stars and the calm sea beneath the night sky. Lying in bed, I listened to the sound of waves lapping against the ship, gradually drifting into sleep.


Waking up in the middle of the night, the cabin was quiet, and I could occasionally hear the distant wind howling over the sea. Lying in bed, I felt a deep sense of tranquility, as if merging with nature. In the early hours, I fell asleep again, wondering how beautiful the Italian scenery would be in the morning.



Arrival in Ancona in the Morning, Then On to Florence

In the morning, the cruise arrived at the port of Ancona. As the sun began to rise, a light mist hung over the port, and the sea shimmered in the early sunlight. After disembarking, I boarded a train to Florence, passing through beautiful landscapes of fields, hills, and small towns that looked like scenes from a painting.


Around 2 PM, I arrived in Florence and checked into a youth hostel in the city center. After dropping off my luggage, I eagerly set out to explore this historical and cultural city.



Afternoon Gathering with a Friend, Enjoying Delicious Pizza

I met up with a long-lost friend in downtown Florence. We sat down at a local pizzeria, located in the city center, surrounded by tourists and locals. We ordered a traditional Neapolitan pizza, with a soft crust paired with fresh tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, which tasted absolutely divine.

直到傍晚,我们还在市中心闲逛,参观了著名的佛罗伦萨大教堂(Duomo)和周围的古建筑。夜幕降临时,我们漫步到Ponte Santa Trinita桥上,坐在桥边,看着远处的阿诺河(Arno River)在灯光的映衬下波光粼粼。

We strolled around the city center until the evening, visiting the famous Florence Cathedral (Duomo) and the surrounding ancient buildings. As night fell, we walked to the Ponte Santa Trinita, sat by the bridge, and watched the shimmering lights reflecting off the Arno River in the distance.



An Unexpected Reunion: Meeting an Old Friend, Guillaume

The next morning, while preparing breakfast in the hostel’s kitchen, I unexpectedly bumped into my Canadian friend, Guillaume, whom I had met in China years ago! After losing touch for so long, I was amazed that we were staying in the same hostel. This chance encounter in Florence made me marvel at how small the world really is.


下午我们一同去了Piazzale Michelangelo看城市风景。不料,回程的路上发生了一件让我们极为郁闷的事。我们在公交车上被罚款了!事情的经过是这样的:我们本以为可以通过刷卡支付车费,但公交车的刷卡机坏了。于是我们赶紧在手机上购买车票,并激活了两张电子票。然而,没过多久,一位检票员上车检查,声称我们未及时购买车票,对我们每人罚款40欧元。

Trouble on the Bus: A Fining Incident

We went to Piazzale Michelangelo to see the city view together. Unfortunately, something quite upsetting happened on our way back. We were fined on the bus! The issue was that we thought we could pay for the fare by card, but the card reader on the bus was broken. So, we quickly bought tickets via our phones and activated them. However, shortly afterward, a ticket inspector boarded, claimed we hadn’t purchased the tickets in time, and fined each of us €40.


We explained the situation, but the inspector wouldn’t listen and gave us an incorrect email for filing a complaint, claiming that we could appeal if we disagreed. Later, we found out that the appeal process was extremely complicated and that the email was unreachable. This made us really frustrated, as it seemed like a deliberate “trap” targeting tourists, making it impossible to appeal or get the fine refunded. This experience left us with a poor impression of Florence’s public transportation system.



A Sweet Remedy: Gelato and Dinner

Although the fine upset us, we decided not to let it ruin our day. So, we headed to a well-known local gelato shop (though I’ve forgotten its name), where the variety of flavors was overwhelming, with each scoop piled high. We each chose a few flavors, and the delicious gelato instantly lifted our spirits, soothing the bad mood caused by the fine.


In the evening, we went to another restaurant for pizza. This time, Guillaume told me that in Italy, pizzas are never pre-sliced in restaurants! The server brings out the whole pizza, as slicing it beforehand might make customers think it’s someone else’s leftovers. This small detail gave me a deeper understanding of Italian dining culture.


On the third day, I said goodbye to Guillaume and took a train to Pisa for a day trip.


This journey from Split to Florence was filled with surprises, unexpected events, and laughter. Whether it was the overnight stay on the cruise, the reunion with an old friend, or the unpleasant fine on the bus, every detail added color to the trip. Although the fine was frustrating, the beauty of Florence, the delicious Italian food, and the reunion with Guillaume were the most unforgettable parts of this journey. This trip made me reflect once again on how small the world truly is, full of unexpected surprises and serendipity. It is these little moments that give travel its true meaning.