
Starting from Mostar, I embarked on another backpacking journey, this time to Split, Croatia. Early in the morning, I boarded a bus heading for Split. Although the journey was not long, I was filled with excitement as it would be a cross-border adventure. As the bus slowly left Mostar, the mountains and fields alternated outside the window, and I eagerly anticipated arriving at the Mediterranean coast in Split.


During the crossing of the Bosnia and Herzegovina-Croatia border, the bus came to a stop for passport checks. As I approached the border police, I realized that I seemed to be the only Asian passenger on the bus. In such situations, I was mentally prepared for additional scrutiny.


After my passport was checked, I returned to my seat, thinking everything was fine. Suddenly, the border officer came back and signaled me to follow him. We entered a small room where they asked me to unpack all my luggage. I reluctantly took out every item from my backpack and explained my travel route and itinerary. The officers were not overly strict, but the situation made me somewhat anxious, as such encounters can be unsettling.


After the inspection was over and everything checked out, I was allowed to return to the bus. Although it was a minor episode, I felt relieved when I got back to my seat. As the bus continued toward Split, I gradually left the experience behind and started looking forward to the next part of the journey.

抵达斯普利特时,阳光已经照耀在这座美丽的海滨城市上。斯普利特的风光令人惊叹,亚得里亚海的湛蓝海水与古老的建筑交相辉映。首先映入眼帘的,是著名的戴克里先宫(Diocletian’s Palace)。这座建于罗马帝国时期的宫殿,至今仍保留着它的雄伟和壮丽,是斯普利特最著名的地标之一。

When I arrived in Split, the sunlight bathed the beautiful coastal city. Split’s scenery was breathtaking, with the deep blue Adriatic Sea contrasting against ancient architecture. The first thing that caught my eye was Diocletian’s Palace, built during the Roman Empire. The palace still stands, grand and majestic, as one of Split’s most famous landmarks.


With my backpack on, I entered the ancient city walls. The limestone walls of the palace glowed faintly in the sunlight. Inside, there were many narrow alleys lined with smooth cobblestone streets, flanked by cafes, restaurants, and shops. Walking through these alleys felt like traveling back to the Roman times, with history lingering in every corner.


来到斯普利特,除了城市的历史文化景点,当然不能错过这片美丽海岸的沙滩。我决定在参观完古城后,去斯普利特著名的巴克维沙滩(Bačvice Beach)享受片刻的放松时光。

In addition to the historic and cultural sites, no visit to Split would be complete without experiencing the stunning coastal beaches. After exploring the ancient city, I decided to relax at Bačvice Beach, one of Split’s most famous beaches.


Bačvice Beach is not far from the city center, so I walked there, passing through busy streets filled with the salty sea breeze. The beach was lively, with shimmering water under the sun. The sand was fine, and near the water, smooth pebbles lined the shore. Visitors were sunbathing, playing beach volleyball, and some were enjoying the refreshing Adriatic Sea.


第二天早上,我决定来一次轻松的一日游,乘坐渡轮前往距离斯普利特不远的布拉奇岛(Brač Island)的Supetar小镇。早上阳光明媚,海风徐徐,我买了一张渡轮票,登上了前往Supetar的船只。

The next morning, I opted for a relaxing day trip by ferry to Supetar, a small town on Brač Island near Split. The morning was sunny with a gentle sea breeze as I purchased my ferry ticket and boarded the boat to Supetar.


That evening, I decided to add something special to the trip by hiking up Meje Hill to enjoy Split’s night view. Located on the western side of the city, it offered a perfect vantage point to take in Split’s skyline.