
By the time I arrived in Bologna from Pisa, it was already evening. As soon as I stepped out of the station, the unique atmosphere of Bologna hit me. The ancient buildings appeared majestic under the night sky, while the streets were full of life, especially with the presence of young people everywhere. Despite the late hour, I was still full of energy and decided to explore the city for a bit.


After strolling through a few streets, I found a local pizzeria. I ordered a simple pizza and a drink, sitting by the window as I enjoyed the view of Bologna at night. The city felt both peaceful and vibrant at the same time.


The next morning, I met my old friend Guillaume for breakfast in the city center. He’s a Frenchman who’s lived in Bologna for quite a while and knows every corner of the city. We met at an old café and ordered a classic Italian breakfast: cappuccino and croissant.

在享用早餐的同时,我们聊了聊各自的近况,气氛十分轻松。吃完早餐后,Guillaume提议带我去看看博洛尼亚最著名的景点之一:两座斜塔(Due Torri)。

As we enjoyed our breakfast, we caught up on each other’s lives in a relaxed atmosphere. After breakfast, Guillaume suggested we visit one of Bologna’s most famous landmarks: the Two Towers (Due Torri).

两座斜塔是博洛尼亚的地标性建筑,分别叫做加里森达塔(Torre Garisenda)和阿森利塔(Torre degli Asinelli)。加里森达塔因倾斜得过于严重,无法让游客攀登,但阿森利塔则可以供人们爬上顶端。

The Two Towers are iconic landmarks of Bologna, known as Torre Garisenda and Torre degli Asinelli. Due to its steep tilt, Torre Garisenda is closed to visitors, but Torre degli Asinelli is open for those who wish to climb to the top.


Climbing the tower was no easy task! The narrow, steep stairs were made of ancient wood and stone, and with each step, you could feel the structure slightly sway beneath your feet. As we ascended, the air grew thinner, and we quickly felt the strain, but the sunlight pouring through the windows and the increasingly beautiful view motivated us to keep going.


Finally, after climbing roughly 500 steps, we reached the top. The breathtaking view instantly made all the fatigue disappear. From the top, we could see the entire expanse of Bologna’s red rooftops, with its ancient streets stretching out like a grid.


In the distance, the rolling mountains were visible, and the skyline looked particularly beautiful in the soft morning light. A cool breeze swept across the tower, and standing there, looking out over the city, I felt the intersection of history and modernity.


Later, we stumbled upon something interesting. Some of Bologna’s towers are not just tourist attractions; a few have been converted into small hotels that can even be rented for short stays. Though the living space is compact, these towers offer a truly unique experience.


The rooms inside these towers are very small, and like the Torre degli Asinelli, the stairs are narrow and steep. Guests need to climb several floors to reach their rooms, which isn’t easy, especially with luggage. But standing by the window and gazing at the view of Bologna made it all worthwhile.


Guillaume joked that staying in these towers isn’t just a cultural experience; it’s also like getting “free exercise” with all the stairs. Despite the small space, for those passionate about history and culture, this type of stay is undoubtedly appealing—it’s like living in history every day.

晚上,Guillaume约了几位他在博洛尼亚认识的朋友,一起去了一家学生们常去的酒吧,叫做Cucchiaio D’oro。这是一家小酒吧,地方不大,但气氛相当热闹,尤其是价格相当便宜,很受大学生欢迎。

That evening, Guillaume arranged to meet some of his friends from Bologna at a popular student bar called Cucchiaio D’oro. It’s a small bar, but the atmosphere was lively, and the drinks were particularly cheap, making it a favorite among university students.


This down-to-earth atmosphere made me realize that Bologna is not only a city rich in history but also full of youthful vitality and energy.

在博洛尼亚的两天时间里,我走遍了城市的各个角落,感受到了这座城市的深厚历史和它的年轻活力。第二天下午,我决定独自前往Parco di San Michele in Bosco,这是位于山顶的一个公园,听说这里是观赏博洛尼亚全景的好地方。

During my two days in Bologna, I explored every corner of the city, experiencing both its deep history and youthful energy. On the afternoon of the second day, I decided to visit Parco di San Michele in Bosco, a park perched on a hill, known for offering panoramic views of Bologna.


I followed the winding path up the hill, and as I ascended, the view gradually opened up. By the time I reached the top, the sight was breathtaking. The sun was slowly setting, casting a warm golden glow over the entire city, and Bologna’s red-brick buildings looked particularly stunning in the fading light.


I found a place to sit, leaning against the wall, quietly taking in the beautiful scene. Around me were many young people, also here to watch the sunset. They sat in small groups, some chatting, others simply gazing at the horizon.


The atmosphere here was both peaceful and vibrant, making it easy to lose yourself in the moment. I savored this moment, feeling as if I could sense the very heartbeat of the city.


These two days in Bologna not only allowed me to see the city’s history, culture, and vitality but also introduced me to a welcoming and approachable atmosphere. Bologna is both an ancient and young city, with stories and possibilities waiting around every corner.