
From Bologna to Venice
Early in the morning, before the sun had fully risen, I left the hostel in Bologna, excited to begin my long-awaited day trip to Venice. The streets of Bologna were peaceful in the morning light, and I caught the early train with my light suitcase, heading towards Mestre, located on the mainland just outside of Venice. Mestre is much less touristy than the main island of Venice, but it offers convenient transportation, making it the perfect choice for my accommodation.


Arriving in Mestre
In less than two hours, I arrived at Mestre station. Unlike the Venice main island, this town felt more modern, lacking the iconic canals and historical architecture, but with a much more practical vibe. I left my luggage at the hostel I had booked in advance, conveniently located just a few minutes’ walk from the station, making my further travels easier. Even though I had settled in, my mind was already wandering towards Venice’s magical waterways.


Advice from the Hostel
The staff at the hostel gave me some useful tips, suggesting I purchase a full-day transportation pass. This would allow me to not only travel by train between Mestre and Venice but also take the water buses throughout the city. After sorting everything out, I couldn’t wait any longer and hopped on the train to Venice. In just about ten minutes, I arrived in this world-renowned city built on water.

刚下火车,走出威尼斯圣露西亚火车站,映入眼帘的是大运河(Canal Grande)和来来往往的水上巴士与贡多拉。那种独特的水上城市的氛围立刻包围了我,仿佛穿越到了另一个世界。水上巴士停泊在岸边,旁边是游客们拍照留念的身影,而远处则是错落有致的古老建筑和蜿蜒的小巷。

First Impressions of Venice
Stepping off the train and out of Venice’s Santa Lucia station, I was immediately greeted by the Grand Canal and the bustling water buses and gondolas. The unique atmosphere of this water-bound city enveloped me instantly as if I had entered a different world. Water buses lined the docks, tourists snapped pictures, and the backdrop of historic buildings and winding alleys completed the scene.

我沿着大运河的岸边漫步,首先来到了著名的里亚托桥(Ponte di Rialto)。这座古老的石桥是威尼斯最标志性的建筑之一,站在桥上眺望大运河两岸的风光,船只在河道中穿梭,水面上泛起微微波光。这一刻,我完全沉浸在威尼斯的古典美中。

Rialto Bridge
I strolled along the edge of the Grand Canal, making my way to the famous Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto). This ancient stone bridge is one of Venice’s most iconic structures. Standing atop it, I gazed out at the scene below—boats weaving through the water as sunlight reflected off the surface, creating a shimmering glow. I was completely captivated by Venice’s timeless beauty.

接下来,我乘坐水上巴士前往威尼斯的核心——圣马可广场(Piazza San Marco)。广场上游人如织,四周是雄伟的圣马可大教堂(Basilica di San Marco)和总督宫(Palazzo Ducale)。我仰望着大教堂那精美的拜占庭风格的装饰,每一片马赛克都闪烁着历史的光辉。

St. Mark’s Square and the Doge’s Palace
Next, I took a water bus to the heart of Venice—St. Mark’s Square (Piazza San Marco). The square was bustling with visitors, surrounded by the majestic St. Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace. I stood in awe of the basilica’s stunning Byzantine architecture, each mosaic tile sparkling with historical grandeur.

在排队参观了圣马可大教堂后,我又走进了总督宫,这座建筑曾是威尼斯共和国的权力中心。内部的装饰华丽而精致,画廊中的巨幅油画记录着威尼斯昔日的荣耀与繁华。最让人印象深刻的还是宫殿中那通往监狱的“叹息桥”(Ponte dei Sospiri),站在桥上,感受到一种历史的沉重与哀愁。

The Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs
After visiting St. Mark’s Basilica, I entered the Doge’s Palace, once the seat of power for the Venetian Republic. The interior was lavishly decorated, with grand paintings that depicted Venice’s glorious past. One of the most striking parts of the palace is the Bridge of Sighs, which leads to the prison. Standing on the bridge, I felt a heavy sense of history and sorrow.


Lost in Venice’s Alleys
After leaving St. Mark’s Square, I decided to slow down and wander aimlessly through the narrow alleys of Venice. The streets were winding and narrow, with small bridges crossing over canals. The old houses along the water were weathered but full of character. Without any particular destination, I wandered through the alleys, discovering hidden squares and quiet cafés along the way.


Venice at Sunset
Before I knew it, the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the Grand Canal and bathing the city in a dreamy light. I returned to the Rialto Bridge to take in the view. The buildings along the canal looked even more beautiful in the evening light, and as night fell, Venice revealed a quieter, more tranquil side. I sat by the shore with a beer in hand, admiring the beautiful sunset. I then called my German friend Felipe to share the moment and ask about his availability, as I was planning to visit his city.


Returning to Mestre
As night fell, I took a water bus back to Santa Lucia station and boarded the train returning to Mestre. By then, Venice was starting to fall asleep, with the lights along the canal reflecting on the water like a painting.


Off to Milan
The next morning, I woke up early, caught a train from Mestre, and headed to my next destination—Milan. Although my time in Venice was short, its unique charm and beautiful memories will stay with me forever.