
I woke up in the car halfway through the night, startled by the cold. I hadn’t anticipated the night weather being so chilly before boarding, and all my thick clothes were stowed underneath as bulky luggage. I had no choice but to hug my backpack close to stay somewhat warm.

再次醒来已经是早上5:30,大巴车正行驶在著名的Lake Titicaca,美丽的日出照映在平静的湖面上,颜色赤红的光束透过窗户正好洒在我的脸上。七点半的时候车辆停了下来,乘客们都下车休息片刻,买咖啡、买早餐等等。不一会儿就要前往边境站入境玻利维亚。

When I woke again, it was already 5:30 in the morning. The bus was traveling along the famous Lake Titicaca, with the beautiful sunrise reflecting on the calm lake, crimson rays streaming through the window onto my face. At 7:30, the vehicle stopped, and passengers got off for a brief rest, buying coffee and breakfast. We were soon heading to the border station to enter Bolivia.


The process of entering Bolivia took about two hours due to the large number of people waiting in line for immigration.

Table of Contents 目录

La Paz 拉帕斯


After arriving in La Paz, I first looked for the hostel where I would be staying. To my surprise, the hostel I had chosen was right next to the bus station, which turned out to be incredibly fortunate. From the hostel’s rooftop, I could see the entire cityscape.

第二天,和前一天在汽车上认识的朋友Will去逛了巫婆市场,但我们俩都没怎么看懂为什么这个市场有什么特别,直到几天后我另外参加的walking tour才明白。

The next day, I went to the Witches’ Market with Will, a friend I had met on the bus the day before. Neither of us quite understood why the market was so special until a few days later when I joined another walking tour.


Another surprising discovery was that La Paz had cable cars as part of its public transportation system. Will and I rode the cable car, enjoying the view outside the window as we gradually ascended to an altitude of over 4000 meters, reminding me of Medellin.


By noon, we were both very hungry. Will recommended a famous restaurant his hostel acquaintance had suggested. Upon reaching the restaurant at noon, we found it fully occupied. We got a number and waited for about an hour. We were fortunate; customers who arrived after us were told by the restaurant that they couldn’t accommodate any more diners that day and were asked to return the next day at noon because the restaurant only operated during lunchtime. During this idle waiting time, I consulted the travel agency with Will, gaining more insights into the city.


To be honest, the food at this restaurant was indeed excellent, with local elements added to each dish, categorized into appetizers, main courses, and desserts. The only downside was that it was a bit pricey.

接着晚上,我遇见了从Potosi来La Paz出差的Gatito,他是一名导游。逮到这么好的机会和当地人接触我当然是不会错过咨询更多美食及历史文化相关的讯息。他向我介绍了La Paz的历史,以及带我参观了政府、国会驻地、历史区域等地方,十分感谢他。

Later that evening, I met Gatito, a tour guide from Potosi who was in La Paz for business. Seizing the opportunity to interact with a local, I didn’t miss the chance to inquire about more food and cultural information. He introduced me to the history of La Paz and took me to visit places like the government and congressional headquarters, historical areas, etc. I was very grateful to him.

第二天一早,我去了一个高山湖泊,海拔5000米的地方,叫做Laguna Charquini。先乘车到达一个海拔4600米的地方,然后步行大概一个半小时到达湖泊。说实话徒步的过程很辛苦,因为高海拔缺氧的关系,我走几步就开始喘气。走在最前面的是我和另外同车来自意大利的Simone,他的西班牙语讲得很不错,和他交流和才知道他曾将在西班牙生活过一年,他说他从不曾放弃任何说西班牙语的机会进行练习。我想如果我也想说一口流利的西班牙语就不得不向他学习了吧。

Early the next morning, I went to a high-altitude lake called Laguna Charquini, at an altitude of 5000 meters. We first took a car to a place at 4600 meters above sea level, then walked for about an hour and a half to reach the lake. To be honest, the hiking process was quite tough due to the high altitude and lack of oxygen. Leading the group was me and Simone, another traveler from Italy who spoke Spanish very well. Talking to him, I found out that he had lived in Spain for a year and never missed any opportunity to practice Spanish. I figured if I wanted to speak fluent Spanish, I had to learn from him.


After resting at the hostel in the afternoon, I prepared to meet a new friend, Mauricio, in the evening. We tried various local street foods and drinks, which was a fantastic experience.

第四天,Chacaltaya,仍然是一个海拔很高的地方,在那里可以看见远处的雪山和美丽的湖泊。下午去看了著名的Moon Valley, 有些地方深不见底实在让我震惊。

On the fourth day, we visited Chacaltaya, still at a high altitude, where we could see distant snow-capped mountains and beautiful lakes. In the afternoon, we visited the famous Moon Valley, some parts of which were astonishingly deep.


Back at the hostel in the afternoon, bored, I played pool on the rooftop with newly acquainted friends.


In the evening, a Dutch friend named Simon offered to take me to visit a local family. I was thrilled and immediately agreed. We visited Gina’s home; she had previously lived in London. Gina warmly invited me to dinner and served me tea, which touched me deeply as it was my first time drinking tea since traveling abroad.

第五天 稍微想要放松一下,参加了Free city tour,听朋友说今天是荷兰国王的生日,同时是荷兰的国庆日,所以晚上我去了当地一家荷兰吧party。

On the fifth day, wanting to relax a bit, I joined a Free City Tour. I heard from friends that it was the King’s Day in the Netherlands, so I went to a local Dutch bar party in the evening.

第六天 下午见了一个本地朋友,带我去了我最想要探索的La Paz南部,说实话这个区域跟主城区相差很大一点都不一样,并且尝试了本地食物Chicharron,晚上尝试去了一家本地很有名的酒吧,认识了很多有趣的新朋友。

On the sixth day, I met a local friend in the afternoon who took me to explore the southern part of La Paz, which was quite different from the main city area. We tried local food called Chicharron and in the evening, went to a famous local bar, where I met many interesting new friends.

第七天,Simon告诉我今天每隔两周的周六当地就会举行盛大的活动,包括表演和食物有关的活动。早上十一点,我跟Simon还有Gina就来到了主广场,现场的音乐节奏使人忍不住跟着一起舞动。Gina告诉我,下午还有一个本地举办的party,是由一个村庄为了筹资修建新的游泳池而举行的,只需要缴纳10 bolivariano 食物的费用就可以享受食物很本地的音乐舞蹈。

On the seventh day, Simon told me about a grand event that the locals held every other Saturday, featuring performances and food-related activities. At eleven in the morning, Simon, Gina, and I arrived at the main square, where the lively music made us dance along involuntarily. Gina informed me that there would be another local party in the afternoon, organized by a village to raise funds for building a new swimming pool. It only cost 10 bolivianos for food and provided very local music and dance.

Uyuni 乌尤尼

第八天稍作休整,晚上乘坐夜巴士离开La Paz前往Uyuni。

On the eighth day, after a brief rest, I took a night bus from La Paz to Uyuni.


Arriving in Uyuni at seven in the morning, a pre-arranged hostel came to pick me up by car, plunging me into below-zero temperatures, which took some getting used to.

我经过跟其他朋友的交流,找到了一家最便宜的旅行社参加了三天的团,650 玻利维亚元。

After chatting with other friends, I found the cheapest tour agency and joined a three-day tour for 650 bolivianos.


I had breakfast at a nearby restaurant and chatted with a Portuguese couple. Surprisingly, I met them again later in the itinerary, which wasn’t unusual since most people here had similar travel plans.


I shared a vehicle with four German friends and one Romanian friend, being the last one picked up by the tour agency.


In the afternoon, we watched the sunset.


The next morning, we left a bit late at eight-thirty to visit the train tracks and saw beautiful lakes and flamingos. The restaurant for lunch was also excellent, with a panoramic view of the lakes.


We stayed at an altitude of 5000 meters that night, where the weather was freezing. We, a group of people, went to an outdoor hot spring with beers, enjoying the round moon and bright starry sky. I felt that this was the most precious time of these three days.


Waking up early in the morning to see the sunrise was incredibly beautiful.


On the third day, we visited another high-altitude lake before driving all the way to Chile. This was the destination for four out of the six people traveling together. Over these three days, we had become familiar with each other, saying farewell with hopes of meeting again.