依依不舍告别六人团后,大约早上九点我们一行四人Mathias、Milena和Alex一同乘车前往San Pedro。

Reluctantly bidding farewell to our group of six, at around nine in the morning, the four of us—Mathias, Milena, Alex, and I—set off for San Pedro by car.


Arriving at the hostel around noon, after dropping off our luggage, the four of us discussed going to the supermarket or market to buy ingredients for cooking back at the hostel. We glanced at a few restaurant prices on the way, which only strengthened our determination to cook for ourselves.


After a short rest in the afternoon, Alex and I went out together to gather more travel information. We inquired at several different travel agencies, compared prices, and also looked into bike rental rates from various shops. After gathering some information, we concluded that there were places we could bike to on our own without signing up with a travel agency. Eventually, the four of us decided to go biking together the next day.


The evening sky in the small town was beautiful, and I couldn’t help but marvel at it, capturing the moment with my camera.


The next morning, after having breakfast at the hostel, we walked to the town center to rent bicycles. We planned to ride to Catarpe, a journey that turned out to be quite bumpy, leaving us with sore bottoms by the end of the day due to the poor road conditions. As Mathias and Milena had other plans, it was just Alex and me continuing our journey together.


On the third day, I fell ill with a stomach cramp, unable to eat anything except plain rice porridge. Upon learning of my illness, Alex decided to rest for the day as well. We planned to wait a day before deciding on our next destination. In the evening, my stomach discomfort persisted, and after drinking the porridge in the kitchen, I felt nauseous. Alex, upon knowing this, brought out a deck of Uno cards to distract me, which surprisingly worked well. Once I started concentrating on the game, my stomach felt much better.


By the fourth day, Alex also fell ill, postponing our plans for another day. However, as the food in the fridge was running out, I felt the need to replenish our protein and vitamin intake for both of us, recognizing it as crucial for recovery. So, I went alone to the market and bought lots of fruits, vegetables, and chicken. I marinated the chicken with spices, so we could fry it for dinner.


Feeling much better by the fifth day, Alex and I planned to bike to a nearby salt flat, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way. Most people opted for tour groups and vehicles, but we wanted a more personal experience. Upon reaching the salt flat, we bought tickets and changed into appropriate attire in the dressing rooms. Despite the scorching sun, it was surprisingly cold once the wind blew.


We both jumped into the lake, experiencing a sensation akin to floating in the Dead Sea, and with hardly any other tourists around, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. However, due to the high salt concentration in the lake, my skin started to sting after a few minutes in the water. My priority became rinsing off the salt to alleviate the irritation.


In the evening, I discussed with Alex the idea of organizing a barbecue with other hostel mates. While Alex and the others went shopping for food, I took charge of preparing the barbecue area. Everyone was earnestly preparing for dinner, with Alex and I handling the grilling while others prepared vegetable salads in the kitchen. With everyone working together efficiently, dinner preparation went smoothly.


Since we hadn’t tried sandboarding before and were in a desert region, we thought it would be a fantastic experience not to miss. On the same day, Alex and I visited several travel agencies in town, compared prices, and selected one. Upon returning to the hostel, we encouraged other hostel mates to join us in this activity.


On the sixth day, our plan proceeded as scheduled. Early in the morning, a driver picked us up from the hostel to take us to today’s destination—the heart of the desert. We arrived at an unfamiliar place where we could see towering sand dunes. The instructor first asked if any of us had experience in sandboarding, to which we all replied in the negative. The instructor reassured us and began with the basics, starting with the sandboarding board… After some instruction, we were taken to the central point of the sand dunes. Despite the seemingly unimpressive appearance of the dunes, climbing them was indeed strenuous, with each step feeling like a retreat.


When we reached the halfway point of the dune, the instructor stopped and said, “This is where we begin today.” He proceeded to teach us basic knowledge and movements, including how to control direction through body rotation and maintaining balance.


After a round of instruction, we began our first attempts, starting with Alex and then proceeding in turns until it was my turn. To be honest, I felt quite apprehensive, considering it was my first time sandboarding. The slope of the dune looked daunting, but seeing my friends already sliding down and waving at me, I decided to give it a try. The instructor noticed my apprehension and reassured me, saying there was nothing to fear and that the sand was soft and wouldn’t harm me. Indeed, as I attempted, I found that maintaining a center of gravity, balancing on my feet, and controlling the direction with both hands could effectively steer me, and I suddenly felt less afraid.


Before concluding, the instructor took us to the highest dune for a final challenge—sliding down from the top to the bottom, which was truly exhilarating.


In the evening, Alex, Conor, and I joined a stargazing tour, where the guide explained various celestial bodies and how to observe them. It was our last day there, as tomorrow, Alex and I were heading to Argentina.