
Taking a bus from Dubrovnik to Mostar, I embarked on this long-awaited backpacking trip. Mostar, a historic city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, draws countless visitors with its unique cultural background and picturesque old town. The bus left the blue Adriatic coastline behind, winding through rolling mountains and into the vast plains of Bosnia. After about three hours, I arrived in Mostar in the early evening.



Upon arriving in Mostar, I checked into a small guesthouse in the city center. Though simple, its cozy atmosphere and friendly staff made me feel right at home. After settling in and unpacking my backpack, I noticed the evening was quietly descending, yet the city was still full of life.


Mostar’s nightlife had a special charm. Restaurants and cafes along the streets began to light up, and the air was filled with the aromas of grilled meat and rich coffee. With no specific plans for the first day, I decided to wander around the city center, immersing myself in its evening vibe.


After strolling around, I found a small restaurant and decided to try the local cuisine. I ordered the classic Ćevapi—a simple yet delicious dish of grilled meat rolls served with onions and pita bread. After dinner, I continued wandering through the quiet, peaceful streets, soaking in Mostar’s tranquil night atmosphere.


第二天一早,我决定前往莫斯塔尔周边著名的自然景点——克拉维察大瀑布(Kravica Waterfalls)。早早搭上了前往Ljubuski的小巴士,路程虽然不远,但沿途的风景却十分迷人,田野和山丘在阳光下显得格外宁静。

On the second morning, I decided to visit one of the famous natural attractions near Mostar—Kravica Waterfalls. I caught an early bus to Ljubuski. Though the journey wasn’t long, the scenery along the way was breathtaking, with sunlit fields and hills creating a peaceful backdrop.


Upon reaching the waterfalls, I was overwhelmed by the natural beauty before me. The wide falls cascaded down from high cliffs, roaring as they plunged into the pool below. Surrounded by lush green vegetation, the scene looked like a paradise.


In the afternoon, I returned to Mostar with time to spare. I decided to explore a new spot. I grabbed a bottle of local beer and headed to a nearby hilltop on my own, planning to watch the sunset.


I found a quiet spot to sit down, opened my beer, and waited peacefully for the sunset. As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, the outline of the city blurred in the golden glow.

晚上,趁着夜色,我前往莫斯塔尔最具标志性的景点——莫斯塔尔老桥(Stari Most)。这是我这趟旅行最期待的一刻,老桥作为莫斯塔尔的象征,它不仅是一座桥,更是历史和文化的见证。

That evening, under the cover of night, I made my way to Mostar’s most iconic site—the Stari Most (Old Bridge). This was the moment I had been anticipating the most. As a symbol of the city, the bridge not only serves as a crossing but also stands as a testament to its rich history and culture.

当我走近老桥时,夜晚的微风轻拂,周围的小店和咖啡馆灯火辉煌,游客和当地人都在享受着夜晚的悠闲时光。站在桥上,内雷特瓦河(Neretva River)在桥下静静流淌,桥的两端都可以俯瞰老城的美景,河水在月光下显得格外宁静与神秘。

As I approached the bridge, a gentle night breeze blew through the illuminated cafes and shops nearby. Both tourists and locals were enjoying the calm evening. Standing on the bridge, I gazed down at the Neretva River flowing quietly beneath. The city’s old town, seen from both ends of the bridge, appeared peaceful and mysterious under the moonlight.



My two-day journey in Mostar, though short, was full of memorable experiences. The breathtaking sight of Kravica Waterfalls, the solitude of watching the sunset from a hill, and the indescribable romance of the music on the Old Bridge—all these moments left me with a deep appreciation for the city.