从 San Pedro 出发,我和 Alex前往小镇的车站购买前往阿根廷的票,开始一场令人兴奋的背包旅行,我们的目的地是阿根廷的 Salta。我们选择了坐公共汽车,听说在智利这边购买车票的价格要贵一些,若是让阿根廷的朋友帮忙可能会付更少的车票费用。

Departing from San Pedro, Alex and I headed to the town’s bus station to purchase tickets for our exciting backpacking journey to Salta, Argentina. We opted for a bus ride, as we had heard that buying tickets on this side of Chile might be a bit pricier, and having our Argentine friends help might result in lower fares.


First, we had to tackle the high-altitude pass. As we crossed the Andes Mountains, our bus had to traverse through high-altitude areas, presenting a challenge for travelers accustomed to lower altitudes. While some might have experienced dizziness and discomfort, perhaps due to my prior experiences hiking in high-altitude regions of Sichuan, China, I didn’t feel out of sorts.

抵达 Salta 后,我们被美丽的城市所吸引。我们在那里停留了几天,探索这座美丽城市的每一个角落。在城市里探索的经验让我对Salta有了更深的了解,这里融合了传统和现代的魅力,充满了令人惊叹的景点和活动。

Upon reaching Salta, we were captivated by the beauty of the city. We spent several days there, exploring every corner of this beautiful city. The experience of exploring the city gave me a deeper understanding of Salta, which blends traditional and modern charm, filled with stunning sights and activities.


The main square of Salta, the heart of the city, was surrounded by historic buildings, with the most striking being the Salta Cathedral, with its magnificent architecture and exquisite carvings capturing the attention of countless tourists. Walking around the square, I felt the vibrancy and cultural richness of the city.

在城市中漫步时,我们也品尝了当地的美食,尤其是阿根廷的经典菜肴。Empanadas、Asado和Dulce de Leche成为了我的最爱,每一口都充满了阿根廷的风味和文化。我们还去了一些当地的市场,购买了一些手工艺品和纪念品,作为对这次旅行的纪念。

While strolling through the city, we also indulged in local cuisine, especially Argentine classics. Empanadas, Asado, and Dulce de Leche became my favorites, each bite brimming with the flavor and culture of Argentina. We also visited some local markets, purchasing handmade crafts and souvenirs to commemorate our trip.


In addition to exploring history and cuisine, we also participated in local cultural activities and performances. In Salta, street artists and musicians often perform on the streets, adding a unique charm to the city. We also visited some local nightclubs and bars, experiencing the nightlife of Salta.


Overall, Salta is a vibrant and charming city where I had an unforgettable time. Through exploring historical sites, tasting delicious food, and engaging in cultural activities, I gained a deeper insight into the culture and people of the region. This experience will forever remain in my memory as one of the most precious memories of my travels.

我们听说 Salta 周围有一些壮丽的徒步路线,于是决定挑战一下自己。我们备好了背包,穿上了舒适的鞋子,踏上了这段徒步之旅。在徒步过程中,我们亲眼目睹了大自然的壮丽景色,从雄伟的山脉到清澈的溪流,每一步都是一次心灵的洗礼。。

We heard that there were some magnificent hiking trails around Salta, so we decided to challenge ourselves. We packed our backpacks, put on comfortable shoes, and embarked on this hiking journey. During the hike, we witnessed the magnificent scenery of nature, from majestic mountains to clear streams, with each step being a spiritual cleansing.

在 Salta 停留了几天后,因为我们的时间表的问题, Alex 想要去附近的知名葡萄酒产区品尝当地的红酒,而我则决定独自一人前往阿根廷的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯。虽然有些遗憾不能继续与 Alex 一起背包旅行,但回归一个人背包旅行的日子也没什么值得抱怨的。

After spending a few days in Salta, due to our differing schedules, Alex wanted to visit nearby renowned wine-producing regions to taste local red wine, while I decided to travel alone to Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Although it was regrettable not to continue backpacking with Alex, returning to solo backpacking days wasn’t something to complain about.


So I boarded a 24-hour bus alone, starting my journey to Buenos Aires. The 24-hour bus ride was a long and challenging journey, testing not only patience but also comfort and mental resilience.


As the bus slowly departed from Salta’s station, I gradually adapted to the atmosphere of this long journey. I watched the ever-changing scenery outside the window, from rural fields to towering mountains, each offering spectacular natural landscapes, prompting me to stop and admire from time to time.


However, the long hours on the bus also made me feel physically uncomfortable. Although the seats were relatively spacious, prolonged sitting made my body feel sore and stiff. I constantly adjusted my posture, trying to find a relatively comfortable position, but could never fully relax.


To pass the time, I brought a book and a pair of headphones, trying to keep myself in a pleasant mood. Sometimes I read a few pages of the book, sometimes I closed my eyes and listened to music, immersing myself in a relaxed state to overcome the monotony and boredom of the journey.


After experiencing the long journey, I finally arrived at Buenos Aires station. Although the entire journey was filled with challenges and inconveniences, when I stepped off the bus and felt the vitality and atmosphere of the new city, all the efforts and discomfort became worthwhile. This long-distance journey not only allowed me to witness the magnificent scenery of Argentina but also strengthened my patience and adaptability.


Ultimately, I arrived in Buenos Aires, starting my adventure in this city, and continuing our adventure.