
When I first set foot in the city of Bogotá, I had no idea that I would embark on such a rich and vibrant journey. Every day brought new discoveries and challenges, every encounter was an unexpected story. Over time, I experienced many memorable moments in this unfamiliar city.


Bogotá, this lively and colorful city, was the next destination on my backpacking journey. Upon arrival, it was already dawn, the airport deserted, with only the solitary glow of lights illuminating the bewildered pedestrians. As usual, I exchanged some currency at the airport to purchase a SIM card and cover the hefty taxi fare. Finding a taxi, I agreed with the driver to go by the meter, as was my usual practice in unfamiliar cities. The driver was warm and friendly, not only assisting me with checking into the hotel upon arrival but also ensuring my safety before leaving.

第一天的波哥大,我便开始了一段令人难忘的旅程。通过Couchsurfing结识了一群志同道合的朋友,我们一起探索城市,流连于各色酒吧,聆听着每个酒吧背后的故事。在波哥大的Parque Nacional Oriental山顶上,我遇见了来自巴西的朋友Fabricio,仅仅因为一句简单的请求拍照,我们便成了朋友。第二天,我们决定一同前往Zipaquira探访地下教堂,共同体验这个神秘而壮丽的地下世界。

On my first day in Bogotá, I embarked on an unforgettable journey. Through Couchsurfing, I met a group of like-minded friends with whom I explored the city, lingering in various bars, and listening to the stories behind each one. At the top of Bogotá’s Parque Nacional Oriental, I met Fabricio from Brazil; a simple request for a photo led to an instant friendship. The next day, we decided to visit Zipaquirá together, to experience the mysterious and magnificent underground world of the salt cathedral.


The following morning, Fabricio and I went to the Zipaquirá salt cathedral. Starting from Bogotá, we traveled along picturesque mountain roads, admiring the countryside scenery and distant mountains. Upon reaching the salt cathedral, I was struck by the magnificent sight before me. Carved out of salt mines, this cathedral bore profound religious and historical significance, resembling a mysterious underground world. Following the guide, we wandered among the salt sculptures, listening to the history and legends of the cathedral. In the underground light and shadows, I felt a transcendent tranquility and awe, as if cut off from the world, prompting me to ponder life and faith in a new light.


Upon returning to Bogotá, I decided to explore more corners of this city. I visited Monserrate Mountain, a majestic range symbolizing Bogotá and a must-visit for pilgrims and tourists alike. Taking the cable car, I gazed upon the magnificent scenery of the entire city, feeling a sense of joy and relaxation. Standing in front of the church at the mountaintop, I immersed myself in the serene atmosphere, feeling proud and fulfilled of my exploration in this unfamiliar city.


In the streets of Bogotá, I discovered countless tantalizing cuisines. Each meal was a feast for the taste buds, enchanting me with the city’s passion and flavors. I sampled local traditional delicacies such as arepas, bacon, and roasted corn, each bite offering a new experience of the local culture. I also tried various snacks from street vendors, such as corn cakes, banana chips, and grilled meat skewers, each exuding enticing aromas, leaving me wanting more.


Besides food, Bogotá was also a hub of art and culture. I visited local art galleries and museums, admiring the unique and diverse artworks. I immersed myself in the cultural atmosphere through street performances by artists showcasing Bogotá’s charm and vitality through music, dance, and performances. I also participated in local cultural festivals and celebrations, joining the locals in celebrating their traditions and customs, and experiencing firsthand the city’s warmth and festivity.


In the final days of my stay in Bogotá, I decided to slow down and savor the tranquility and beauty of the city. I strolled through the streets, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face and the cool breeze brushing past my ears. I visited the city’s parks and squares, leisurely spending time with the locals, chatting, drinking coffee, and enjoying life. I felt a sense of joy and contentment in blending into this city.


My heart was filled with fondness and reluctance to leave this city. I bid farewell to the friends I made here, carrying with me memories and experiences as I embarked on the next destination journey to Medellín.