
In the Medellin dawn at four o’clock, lights still glimmered, the night remained awake. Stepping off at the station, I was greeted by an unfamiliar city, and the journey I was about to embark upon was one of anticipation and the unknown. Carried by a rideshare, I arrived at the hostel, a familiar yet foreign place that would become my refuge in this city.


At the hostel, I encountered travelers from all over the world. Their faces and stories formed the vibrant chapters of this journey. There was Ida from Sweden, her smile bright and warm, filled with curiosity and exploration of South America. David from Mexico, his backpack brimming with dreams and adventures. And Oscar from Costa Rica, his eyes shimmering with love for nature and culture.


In this hostel, we not only shared our travel experiences but also explored the charms of the city together. With Oscar, I embarked on a journey to the 13th district. This place was Medellin’s art district, where street graffiti and cultural vibes filled every corner, immersing one in an ocean of art. There, we engaged with local artists, feeling their passion for life and art, adding a unique hue to our own travels.

又一天,我和Oscar一同前往Parque Explora,这是一个融合科技和娱乐的场所。在那里,我们一起探索着宇宙的奥秘,体验着科学的乐趣,仿佛回到了童年时光。Oscar兴致勃勃地向我介绍着每一个展品,他的眼睛里闪烁着对知识的渴望,让我感受到了旅行带给人的无限可能。

On another day, Oscar and I visited Parque Explora, a place blending technology and entertainment. There, we delved into the mysteries of the universe, experiencing the joy of science, reminiscent of childhood. Oscar enthusiastically introduced me to each exhibit, his eyes sparkling with a thirst for knowledge, revealing the boundless possibilities travel offers.

而在一个晴朗的下午,我决定独自一人前往La Esperanza徒步。这是一个隐藏在城市边缘的小镇,没有华丽的建筑,只有简单朴实的民居和热情好客的居民。我沿着山间小径徜徉,感受着大自然的宁静与神秘,心灵在这片原始的土地上得到了洗礼,也收获了对生活的感悟和启迪。

On a sunny afternoon, I decided to hike to La Esperanza alone. Tucked away on the city’s edge, it was a town devoid of grand architecture, only simple homes and hospitable residents. Wandering along mountain trails, I felt the tranquility and mystery of nature, my soul baptized in this primitive land, gaining insights and enlightenment about life.

而在离开La Esperanza的路上,我决定坐上缆车,前往贫民居住的区域。这个地方是麦德林的一处特色景点,是城市的另一面,让人触摸到了生活的边缘和真实。站在高处,我俯瞰着整个城市的景象,思绪万千,对生活和社会有了更深的思考和感悟。

On my way out of La Esperanza, I opted to take a cable car to the impoverished areas. It was a unique attraction in Medellin, revealing another facet of the city, touching upon the edge of life’s realities. Standing high above, I overlooked the cityscape, my mind filled with contemplation and insights into life and society.

又一天的黄昏,我独自前往Parque De Las Luces周边探索。这个地方是麦德林的市中心,是城市的文化中心和艺术殿堂。在那里,我参观了艺术馆,欣赏着当地艺术家的作品,感受着艺术的魅力和力量,也为自己的内心带来了一份宁静和慰藉。

Another evening, I ventured alone to explore Parque De Las Luces. It was the heart of Medellin, a cultural hub and artistic haven. There, I visited art galleries, admiring the works of local artists, feeling the charm and power of art, and finding solace and comfort within myself.

而在另一个下午,我和David一起前往La Candelaria。这是麦德林的一个历史悠久的街区,充满了浓厚的文化气息和人文底蕴。在那里,我们漫步在古老的街道上,品味着当地的美食和特色小吃,感受着城市的魅力和韵味,也分享着彼此的旅行故事和心情。

On another afternoon, David and I strolled through La Candelaria. It was a historically rich neighborhood, pulsating with cultural vibes and human heritage. We meandered through ancient streets, savoring local delicacies, soaking in the city’s charm and flavor, and sharing our travel stories and emotions.


Back at the hostel, David taught me how to cook Mexican food in the kitchen. His expertise was evident, each step executed with finesse. Upon inquiry, I discovered he owned a restaurant, which explained his skill. Under his guidance, I felt as if I were in a Mexican family kitchen, experiencing the warmth and beauty of a foreign land, cultivating a love and respect for food and culture.

而在一个清晨,我独自一人前往Nutibara Hill。这是麦德林的一个观景胜地,可以俯瞰整个城市的美景和壮丽的风光。站在山顶,我感受着清晨的第一缕阳光,心灵在这片广阔的土地上得到了净化和升华,也为自己的旅行留下了一份难忘的记忆和感动。

On a clear morning, I ventured alone to Nutibara Hill. It was a scenic spot in Medellin, offering panoramic views of the city and its majestic landscapes. Standing atop the hill, I felt the first rays of morning light, my soul purified and elevated in this vast land, leaving behind unforgettable memories and emotions from my journey.


My trip to Medellin not only brought endless exploration and discovery but also allowed me to experience the beauty of human connection. In every corner of this city, there were unique stories and experiences, all of which I engraved deeply in my heart.