离开新疆,出发甘肃 Leaving Xinjiang, Heading to Gansu


The day I bid farewell to Xinjiang, my emotions were a mix of complexity and excitement. After experiencing the vastness and diversity of that land, I embarked on my journey to Gansu. My first stop was Jiayuguan, a renowned ancient fortress. On the train, I met a young photography enthusiast, Xiao Li. We decided to travel together, sharing photography tips and experiences along the way.

嘉峪关:长城的西端 Jiayuguan: The Western End of the Great Wall


Upon arriving in Jiayuguan, I couldn’t wait to see the magnificent Great Wall segment. Standing at the foot of the Great Wall, the weight of history washed over me. I captured every angle of this ancient pass with my camera, feeling the passage of time. I think that the key to photographing such grand architecture was to find the best angles and times for lighting, so I shot multiple times during sunrise and sunset.


The Jiayuguan architecture presented different appearances under various lighting conditions. The morning sun on the city walls was particularly magnificent, as if awakening this ancient city that had slept for millennia. From the tower, we had a panoramic view of Jiayuguan. Xiao Li suggested using a wide-angle lens to better capture the grandeur of the Great Wall. I experimented with various compositions, recording this historical site from different perspectives.


Besides the Great Wall, we visited the Wei-Jin tomb murals in Jiayuguan city. The well-preserved murals vividly recreated ancient life scenes. Photographing in the dimly lit tombs was challenging; I constantly adjusted my camera’s ISO and exposure time, eventually capturing some satisfactory photos. These murals are not only artistic treasures but also crucial windows into ancient social life.


During our journey in Jiayuguan, I befriended a couple from Chengdu who had traveled extensively across China. Sharing travel experiences and stories with them, we felt the warmth and sincerity of people we met on the road. In the evening, we tasted local delicacies like hand-grabbed lamb and saozi noodles at a small restaurant. The rich flavors and warm hospitality left us with beautiful memories of the city.


Jiayuguan is a blend of historical significance and modern life. The city center is filled with tall buildings and clean streets. We strolled in the central square, observing locals and tourists enjoying their leisure time. At night, Jiayuguan’s lights were dazzling, perfectly integrating modernity with history.

敦煌:沙漠中的璀璨明珠 Dunhuang: A Shining Pearl in the Desert


From Jiayuguan, we took a bus to Dunhuang. The Mogao Caves here were a highlight I had long anticipated. The murals and sculptures in Mogao Caves left me in awe, each telling an ancient story. Here, I learned how to adjust my camera’s ISO and exposure in dim environments to capture clear mural details.


During our visit to Mogao Caves, I followed the guide’s explanations, learning the stories and meanings behind each mural. The guide’s detailed introduction to the historical background and artistic features of the murals deepened our understanding of ancient art. To capture clear mural details, I constantly adjusted my camera settings and used a tripod for stability. After many attempts, I finally got some satisfactory shots.


At Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring, I met a couple from Beijing who warmly invited us to ride camels and watch the sunrise together. The desert’s silence and magnificence at dawn were particularly moving, and I recorded the moment with my camera, filled with awe for nature. Riding camels slowly through the desert, we felt a harmony and tranquility with nature. However, walking on the steep sand slopes was not easy, as each step forward meant half a step back, and sand would get into our shoes, causing discomfort.


In the evening, my new friends from the hostel and I decided to climb the sand dunes by Crescent Spring and lay down to stargaze. The night was quiet and beautiful, with a starry sky resembling a giant celestial canvas. I used long exposure techniques to capture star trails, recording the magical night sky. To capture star trails, one needs a stable tripod and long enough exposure time to track the stars’ movement. But the shutter time shouldn’t be too long, or electronic shutter lag might cause noise. While lying on the dune, an unruly child kept throwing sand at us, ruining some of our food. An a friend from our side scolded the adult accompanying the child, who showed no concern and didn’t even apologize. We consoled ourselves, saying that such a child would learn life’s lessons eventually.


n Dunhuang city, we also visited the Dunhuang Museum, which houses many precious cultural relics and artworks, providing deeper insights into Dunhuang’s history and culture. After the museum visit, we enjoyed Dunhuang’s local delicacies like donkey meat yellow noodles and apricot peel water in a small restaurant. The delicious food and refreshing drinks left us in awe of the city’s culinary culture.


The Dunhuang night market is also a must-visit. The market is brightly lit, with various food stalls offering a plethora of snacks. We wandered around, tasting local treats like lamb skewers, cold noodles, and sunflower seeds. The friendliness and warmth of the people at the night market made us feel the hospitality and vibrancy of Dunhuang.

张掖:丹霞地貌的绚丽色彩 Zhangye: The Brilliant Colors of Danxia Landform


Leaving Dunhuang, I arrived in Zhangye, known for its vivid colors and unique shapes of the Danxia landform. I reached the scenic area at sunrise, and the sunlight on the Danxia mountains displayed incredible color changes. I spent the entire day using wide-angle lenses to capture the land’s beauty.


In the Danxia landform scenic area, we hiked multiple viewing routes to appreciate the unique landscape from different angles. Each step brought surprises as the mountains’ colors constantly changed with the light. The best times to shoot such natural landscapes are early morning and late afternoon when the light is soft and better showcases the landform’s colors and textures.


On Qinghai Road in Zhangye, I met a cyclist named Lao Zhang, who had ridden solo from Tibet. His resilience and love for life deeply moved us, and listening to his stories, we felt like we were also experiencing his spiritual journey. Lao Zhang told me that each segment of his ride was a new experience, and every encounter made him cherish life even more.


Besides the Danxia landform, we visited the Horseshoe Temple in Zhangye. This temple, nestled in a valley, has a serene environment and houses many precious murals and sculptures. We quietly explored the temple, feeling a sense of tranquility and harmony. Photographing the murals, I constantly adjusted my camera settings to capture every detail.


Zhangye city also has many interesting spots. We visited the Zhangye Giant Buddha Temple, home to a massive reclining Buddha statue with a serene expression that inspired reverence. In the temple, we met an elderly photographer from Shanghai, Lao Liu, who shared many photography tips and experiences with us, which was immensely beneficial.


In the evening, we strolled in Zhangye’s city center, experiencing the city’s nightlife. The night market was bustling, with numerous food stalls. We tasted Zhangye’s local snacks like fried noodles and yellow wine, gaining a deeper understanding of the city’s culinary culture.

西宁:青海湖畔的宁静 Xining: The Tranquility by Qinghai Lake


Xining was my next stop. With the vast Qinghai Lake, I camped by its shore, feeling a close connection with nature. The night sky was like a giant canvas dotted with stars, seemingly within reach. I used long exposure to capture star trails, and the results were stunning.


By Qinghai Lake, I met a group of backpackers from different places, also there to camp. We pitched tents together, shared food and travel stories, and at the lakeside bonfire party, we sang and danced, feeling a long-lost freedom and joy. The cold and quiet lakeside at night, warmed by the bonfire, made us feel incredibly cozy.


Early in the morning, we woke up early to photograph the sunrise over Qinghai Lake. The mist on the lake surface, with distant mountains faintly visible, looked like an ink painting. As the sun rose, the lake’s colors changed, presenting a dreamlike scene. I captured the moment with my camera, marveling at nature’s magic and beauty.


In Xining city, we visited the Dongguan Mosque, an exquisite and lavishly decorated building crucial for understanding Islamic culture. Inside the mosque, we met a Muslim elder who warmly explained its history and religious customs. Through his explanations, we gained a deeper understanding of Islamic culture.


Xining’s cuisine also left a lasting impression. We tasted local specialties like hand-grabbed lamb and qingke wine. The tender lamb and fragrant qingke wine were a feast for the senses. Wandering the streets and alleys of Xining, we discovered many food stalls selling delicious snacks like yogurt, noodles, and liangpi.


Xining city is clean, with wide streets and a modern feel. Strolling in the central square, we saw many locals and tourists enjoying leisure time. The friendly and warm people of Xining made us feel the city’s warmth and vitality.


I had arranged to meet my friend Zeng here to continue our journey to Lanzhou. After our Xinjiang trip, he hitchhiked alone to Tibet, passing through Kashgar. It was not an easy hitchhiking route, with many high-altitude mountains to cross, but he managed to do it. I was happy for him as I always encouraged my friends to step out of their comfort zones and try new things within their capabilities.

兰州:黄河之滨的城市 Lanzhou: The City by the Yellow River


Our final stop was Lanzhou, a city by the Yellow River. We strolled along the riverbank, watching the flowing water, and felt a sense of calm. Lanzhou’s beef noodles are a must-try delicacy.


By the Yellow River sculpture in Lanzhou, I took many photos, as it symbolizes the Yellow River’s importance to the Chinese nation. We also experienced riding on a sheepskin raft, an ancient water transport method. The Yellow River’s majestic scenery captivated me, and I recorded every detail with my camera, feeling its power and beauty.


In Lanzhou city, we spent an afternoon by the Yellow River, sipping tea and relaxing in deck chairs, enjoying the leisurely time.


We also visited the White Pagoda Mountain Park in Lanzhou, a green and serene place to relax. From the top of the mountain, we had a panoramic view of Lanzhou city. We hiked up to capture better cityscapes and details before it got dark. On our way down, we passed an unremarkable pavilion, where inspiration struck me, and I took a city nightscape photo of Zeng.


In Lanzhou’s streets, we encountered an elderly street performer playing a soulful erhu rendition of “The Yellow River Cantata.” His passionate performance, combined with the beautiful scenery, transported us to a world full of adventure and dreams.

旅程的尾声 The End of the Journey


This backpacking trip from Xinjiang to Gansu not only allowed me to see countless beautiful sights but also introduced me to many interesting friends. Each stop’s scenery and each journey’s experience became precious memories. On this vast land, I captured countless moments with my camera, leaving deep imprints in my heart.


The end of the journey is also the beginning of a new one. I look forward to my next backpacking adventure, discovering more unknown beauties.