
During my days in Medellín, I soaked in the unique charm of the city, but now I thirsted for exploring more unknown places. So, I decided to head to the small town of Jardín, about a 3-hour drive south of Medellín.


At the hostel, I learned about the transportation options to Jardín and was told that the most convenient way was by taking a public bus. I packed my backpack and got ready to embark on my journey. Stepping out of the hostel on a sunny morning, I strolled through the streets of Medellín, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the vibrancy of the city.


Arriving at the southern terminal of Medellín, I purchased a ticket for Jardín. The station buzzed with activity, and I felt the warmth and friendliness of the Colombian people. Soon, a brightly colored bus pulled into the platform, and I eagerly boarded, beginning my journey to Jardín.


The bus slowly departed from Medellín, winding its way south along mountainous roads. Outside the window, lush forests stretched out, with distant mountains peeking through, creating picturesque scenery. Leaning back in my seat, I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze brush against my cheeks, my mood peaceful and content.


Along the way, the bus passed through small villages and farmland, offering glimpses of rural Colombian life. Farmers worked in the fields, while cattle and sheep grazed leisurely, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. I occasionally took out my camera, capturing the beauty of the landscapes as souvenirs.


Time flew by, and before I knew it, several hours had passed. I sensed the vehicle starting to bump and sway, indicating that we were nearing Jardín. My excitement grew as I anticipated the adventures awaiting me.


Finally, the bus slowly pulled into Jardín’s station, and I eagerly stepped off, arriving in this charming town. Jardín welcomed me with tranquility and serenity, a stark contrast to the bustling streets of Medellín. The narrow and clean streets were lined with colorful buildings, exuding a strong South American charm.


I found a cozy hostel, settled my luggage, and began my exploration of Jardín. I wandered along the town’s streets, looking for a restaurant for lunch, soaking in its unique atmosphere. Laughter filled the air from cafes and restaurants, while street vendors sold various goods, infusing the town with vitality.

我决定先去探索Jardín的主要景点——La Plaza,这是一个宽敞而美丽的广场,周围是精美的彩色建筑和茂密的树木。我在广场上闲逛,欣赏着周围的风景,感受着这里的宁静和悠闲。

Deciding to start with Jardín’s main attraction, La Plaza, I found myself in a spacious and beautiful square surrounded by exquisite colorful buildings and lush trees. I leisurely strolled around the square, admiring the scenery and embracing the tranquility and leisureliness of the place.

接下来,我来到了Jardín的著名景点——Cascada del Amor(爱之瀑布)。我沿着一条小径徒步前行,很快就听到了远处传来的水流声。当我终于来到瀑布前时,被眼前的景象所震撼。高耸的瀑布从山上倾泻而下,水流冲击着岩石,溅起一片雾气,宛如天上仙境般美丽。


Next, I visited Jardín’s famous attraction, Cascada del Amor (Waterfall of Love). Following a trail, I soon heard the distant sound of rushing water. Upon reaching the waterfall, I was awestruck by the sight before me. The towering waterfall cascaded down from the mountains, splashing against rocks and creating a misty spectacle, reminiscent of a heavenly paradise. Standing before the waterfall, I felt the cool mist brushing against my cheeks, filling me with immense joy.


In the afternoon, I visited a coffee plantation near Jardín and participated in a coffee-tasting activity. I learned about the cultivation, processing, and roasting of coffee, sampled various flavors, and experienced the unique charm of Colombian coffee. It was an educational and enjoyable experience that deepened my understanding and appreciation for coffee.


As night fell, I returned to the hostel, reflecting on the day’s adventures with satisfaction and joy. The next morning, I headed back to Medellín, sitting by the window, reminiscing about the wonderful time I had in Jardín. My backpacking journey from Medellín to Jardín allowed me to experience the unique charm and atmosphere of Colombia. From the bustling city to the tranquil town, I encountered different cultures and landscapes, creating cherished memories and experiences.